Prevent and Relieve Stress by Consuming These 4 Fruits


Prevent and Relieve Stress by Consuming These 4 Fruits

Not only with consultation, doing hobbies, or sports, but consuming these 4 fruits is also beneficial for relieving and preventing stress!

Doing fun activities such as karaoke, yoga, or traveling, is believed to help prevent and reduce stress.

Stress is a health condition that attacks a person’s mind and heart. The impact varies. Some can experience anxiety disorders, panic disorders, depression, and even cause disease. Therefore, stress must be overcome and prevented from an early age.

However, did you know that apart from having fun, there are several kinds of fruit which, when consumed, are great for preventing and dealing with stress? Come on, take a peek at what these fruits are!

Fruit Ways to Overcome Stress in the Body

Citing the Everyday Health page, at first glance, stressful conditions may seem harmless. However, if left unchecked, stress can cause headaches, stomach cramps, shortness of breath, and weight gain and make you susceptible to disease.

Chronic stress, or one that lasts for months, can increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, and other health conditions.

Unfortunately, when under stress, many people make the mistake of eating filling foods without looking at the nutritional content. In fact, it can worsen the stress conditions you are experiencing!

Eating foods containing refined carbohydrates such as chips, cookies, and other sweet foods triggers blood sugar levels to rise. As a result, the stress you feel can get worse.

However, if you choose healthy foods, such as fruit, for example, the content of good substances in it is efficacious for a healthy body, mood, mind, and lowering stress levels.

Ali Miller also explained that healthy eating, such as fruit, can trigger the body’s hormones.

The condition is proven to prevent or even reduce the level of stress you feel!

4 Fruits To Prevent and Overcome Stress

To deal with stress, there are several types of fruit that you can consume.

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits, such as oranges & limes, are the most high in vitamin C.

Fruits that contain vitamin C, such as oranges or lemons, are useful for reducing stress levels because vitamin C can reduce levels of cortisol (a hormone that controls stress) in the body.

Not only that but other evidence from the Pakistan Journal of Biological Science also says the same thing. In this study, consuming 500 mg of vitamin C from citrus fruits per day was shown to prevent anxiety and stress disorders.


The potassium content in bananas is believed to increase the good dopamine hormone, which can meet the needs of magnesium levels in the body. When the body’s magnesium needs are met, stress levels in the body also decrease. cenforce 200 to prevent erection.

In addition, bananas reduce the level of anxiety you experience. The reason, bananas act as a natural beta-blocker. When you eat a banana, the hormone adrenaline will prevent the binding of beta receptors.

By eating bananas, your pulse and blood pressure are reduced so that the stress level you feel decreases.


Cocoa pods, especially the seeds processed into dark chocolate, contain antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. Both of these substances are believed to reduce stress hormones and raise your mood.

However, don’t just choose chocolate or processed cocoa bean products, okay? The benefits of cocoa fruit to relieve stress can be obtained if it has been processed into dark chocolate.

Consuming 40 grams of dark chocolate or dark chocolate per day for 2 weeks can reduce stress levels in the body.

Dark chocolate does not contain sugar or additives. So, the antioxidant content is still many and beneficial for the body.


Strawberries are fruits that contain vitamin C and are rich in antioxidants.

According to a controlled study, increasing the consumption of vitamin C has been shown to help cope with stressful conditions.

Because, in this study, the cortisol (stress hormone) levels of participants who were given vitamin C supplements decreased rapidly. A result, the participants’ blood pressure could be normal and more stable than participants who did not take vitamin C.

Not only relieve stress, but the antioxidant content in strawberries is also useful for increasing cognitive brain power while protecting your heart health. vidalista 20 to improve men’s health.

You can eat strawberries straight or add this beautiful red fruit to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.

So, in addition to exercise, consulting a psychologist, and taking time for yourself, consume the four fruits above to prevent and deal with stress.