Do you think buying a paint sprayer is an easy job?
Well, it is not when there are so many options available. A lot of paint sprayers are now a part of market, but not all of them are the number one.
To choose your number one, you have to do proper research. Before buying you have to see what suits your needs.
There are a lot paint sprayer companies but very few to trust. Graco sprayer is one of them that provide the best quality graco handheld paint sprayer to its customers.
It is one of the most sold product and because it adapts your needs in different ways.
Why buying paint sprayer is a tough job?
When you plan to buy flex sprayer or any other paint sprayer there are certain questions to ask. People often forget to ask these questions on time and later regret buying the wrong paint sprayer.
To have a right type of paint sprayer it is essential to ask yourself certain questions
- Is the paint sprayer meeting your requirement?
This is one of the most important questions to ask, because without understanding your requirement you cannot choose the best paint sprayer.
For a big project you need a bigger airless machine because buying a small paint sprayer will not do the job. For example you want to paint your home, and for painting the walls and rooms you need something that saves your time and money.
In this case, if you buy a smaller machine it is like wasting your money and time both. You will spend hours and hours to paint your house still the result will not be satisfactory.
So, it is preferable to buy a big airless machine for painting your roofs and walls. On the other hand, if you want to do little jobs like painting a wooden box or something small you can choose a small airless machine.
If you buy a wrong product it would be counterproductive and useless.
- Is the paint sprayer fully equipped?
To buy the right paint sprayer, you have to see the features of the paint sprayer. Check the list of its parts and how well they are combined.
For this purpose, spare some time and read the sheet of manufactuer. When you read the technicaliites you come to know about the strength and weaknesses of your paint sprayer.
In the technical sheets all the parts like the spraying tip, gun, compressor and piston pump are explained in detail. You can read each and everything and can compare it with other paint sprayer in market.
In this way, you will get to know the best paint sprayer with maximum pressure control and fine finishing.
- How much work and repair cost to expect?
People often neglect the simple yet important conversation like the repair cost and working of an airless paint sprayer. Before you buy a paint sprayer, you have to see what will happen if something happen to your paint sprayer while working.
If the repair cost is too much, it means you are putting yourself in loss. Over the years, the cost of different sprayer parts changed substantially. So, it is essential to have a look at repair cost.
Also, the working of different paint sprayers is not the same. Some simple paint sprayers consists of diaphragm pump and some complex sprayers still not have them.
Understand the properties of your paint sprayer and see of you need special tools to handle them or not. If your paint sprayer consists of all the tools, it means your money is saved and you will not require any extra tool to handle the paint sprayer.
What is the pressure of your paint sprayer?
If you want to buy a paint sprayer for daily use like painting whole buildings, you require a machine with high pressure.
For everyday use, the little paint sprayers are not enough. They would not meet your daily requirement because they have low pressure and are generally of low quality.
So, buy a paint sprayer according to your requirement.
Buy a low pressure paint sprayer for little projects, and a high quality paint sprayer with high pressure for big projects.
- How much to pay for a paint sprayer?
The cost of a paint sprayer depends upon its quality and ability to do paint. If you want a paint sprayer to last long, it means you have to spend some money on it.
If you buy a cheap paint sprayer, it will only lat for few months. Later it would not be able to hold your workload and you will have to buy a new one.
The quality and long lasting paint sprayers are costly, so you have to buy a little more for them. If you need something just for renovations and little things, you can buy a cheap paint sprayer. It will save your money.